Korah, A., & M. C. Wimberly. 2024. Smaller cities have large impacts on West Africa’s expanding urban system Sustainable Cities and Society, 106, 105381.
Korah, A., & M. C. Wimberly. 2024. Annual impervious surface data from 2001-2020 for West African countries: Ghana, Togo, Benin, and Nigeria Scientific Data, 11, 791.
Korah, A., J. A. M. Koch, and M. C. Wimberly. 2024. Understanding urban growth modeling in Africa: Dynamics, drivers, and challenges . Cities 146: 104734.
Nekorchuk, D. M., A. Bharadwaja, S. Simonson, E. Ortega, C. M. B. Franca, E. Dinh, R. Reik, R. Burkholder, and M. C. Wimberly. 2024. The Arbovirus Mapping and Prediction (ArboMAP) system for West Nile virus forecasting . JAMIA Open, 7: ooad110.
Wimberly, M. C., D. Wanyama, R. Doughty, H. Peiro, and S. Crowell. 2024. Increasing fire activity in African tropical forests is associated with deforestation and climate change . Geophysical Research Letters, 51(9), e2023GL106240.
Brown, J. J., M. Pascual, M. C. Wimberly, L. R. Johnson, and C. C. Murdock. 2023. Humidity – The overlooked variable in the thermal biology of mosquito-borne disease Ecology Letters 26: 1029-1049.
Liu Z, W. J. Wang, A. Ballantyne, H. S. He, X. Wang, S. Liu, P. Ciais, M. C. Wimberly, S. Piao, K. Yu, and Q. Yao. 2023. Forest disturbance decreased in China from 1986 to 2020 despite regional variations . Communications Earth & Environment 4(1):15.
Wanyama, D., M. C. Wimberly, and F. Mensah. 2023. Patterns and drivers of disturbance in tropical forest reserves of southern Ghana . Environmental Research Letters 18: 064022.
Wimberly, M. C. 2023. Geospatial Environmental Data for Planetary Health Applications . Pages 123-141 In: T. Hung Wen, T. Chuang, and M. Tipayamongkholgul, editors. Earth Data Analytics for Planetary Health. Springer, New York.
Neta, G., W. Pan, K. Ebi, D. F. Buss, T. Castranio, R. Lowe, A. M. Stewart-Ibarra, L. K. Hapairai, M. Sehgal, M. C. Wimberly, L. Rollock, M. Lichtveld, J. Balbus. 2022. Advancing climate change health adaptation through implementation science . The Lancet Planetary Health 6: e909-18.
Kaskie, K. D., M. C. Wimberly, and P. J. Bauman. 2022. Predictive mapping of low-density juniper stands in prairie landscapes of the northern Great Plains . Rangeland Ecology & Management 83: 81-90.
McMahon, A., C. M. B. Franca, and M. C. Wimberly. 2022. Comparing satellite and ground-based measurements of environmental suitability for vector mosquitoes in an urban landscape . Journal of Medical Entomology 59: 1936-1946.
Wimberly, M. C., J. K. Davis, M. B. Hildreth, and J. Clayton. 2022. Integrated forecasts based on public health surveillance and meteorological information predict West Nile virus in a high-risk region of North America . Environmental Health Perspectives 130(8): 087006.
Wimberly, M. C., F. K. Dwomoh, I. Numata, F. Mensah, J. Amoako, D. M. Nekorchuk, and A. McMahon. 2022. Historical trends of degradation, loss, and recovery in the tropical forest reserves of Ghana . International Journal of Digital Earth: 15(1), 30-51.
Wimberly, M. C., D. M. Nekorchuk, and R. R. Kankanala. 2022. Cloud-based applications for accessing satellite Earth observations to support malaria early warning . Scientific Data 9: 208.
Keyel A. C., M. E. Gorri, I. Rochlin, J. A. Uelmen, L. F. Chaves, G. L. Hamer, I. K. Moise, M. Shocket, A. M. Kilpatrick, N. B. DeFelice, J. K. Davis, E. Little, P. Irwin, A. J. Tyre, K. H. Smith, C. M. Fredregill, O. I. Timm, K. M. Holcomb, M. C. Wimberly, M. J. Ward, C. M. Barker, C. G. Rhodes, and R. L. Smith. 2021. A proposed framework for the development and qualitative evaluation of West Nile virus models and their application to local public health decision-making . PLOS Neglected Tropical Diseases 15(9): e0009653.
McMahon, A., A. Mihretie, A. A. Ahmed, M. Lake, W. Awoke, and M. C. Wimberly. 2021. Remote sensing of environmental risk factors for malaria in different geographic contexts . International Journal of Health Geographics 20: 28.
Nekorchuk, D. M., T. Gebrehiwot, M. Lake, W. Awoke, A. Mihretie, and M. C. Wimberly. 2021. Comparing malaria early detection methods in a declining transmission setting in northwestern Ethiopia . BMC Public Health 21: 788.
Wimberly, M. C., K. M. de Beurs, T. V. Loboda, W. K. Pan. 2021. Satellite observations and malaria: new opportunities for research and applications . Trends in Parasitology 37: 525-537.
Wimberly, M. C., and D. M. Nekorchuk. 2021. Malaria Early Warning in Ethiopia: A Roadmap for Scaling to the National Level . U.S. Agency for International Development.
Alemu, W. G., and M. C. Wimberly. 2020. Evaluation of remotely sensed and interpolated environmental datasets for vector-borne disease monitoring using in situ observations over the Amhara Region, Ethiopia . Sensors 20: 1316.
Haller, D. J., and M. C. Wimberly. 2020. Estimating the potential for forest degradation in the eastern United States woodlands from an introduction of sudden oak death . Forests 11: 1334.
Rehr, R. C., C. Bandaragoda, B. F. Zaitchik, and M. C. Wimberly. 2020. A GeoHealth response to a geoscience community climate change position statement . GeoHealth 4: e2020GH000265.
Vincent, G. P., J. K. Davis, M. J. Wittry, M. C. Wimberly, Chris D. Carlson, D. L. Patton, and M. B. Hildreth. 2020. Epidemic West Nile Virus Infection Rates and Endemic Population Dynamics Among South Dakota Mosquitoes: A 15-yr Study from the United States Northern Great Plains . Journal of Medical Entomology 57: 862–871.
Wimberly, M. C., J. K. Davis, M. V. Evans, A. Hess, P. M. Newberry, N. Solano-Asamoah, C. C. Murdock. 2020. Land cover affects microclimate and temperature suitability for arbovirus transmission in an urban landscape . PLoS Neglected Tropial Diseases 14(9): e0008614.
Davis, J. K., Gebrehiwot, T., Worku. M., Awoke, W., Mihretie, A., Nekorchuk, D., and M. C. Wimberly. 2019. A genetic algorithm for identifying spatially-varying environmental drivers in a malaria time series model . Environmental Modelling and Software 119: 275-284.
Dwomoh, F. K., M. C. Wimberly, M. A. Cochrane, and I. Numata. 2019. Forest degradation promotes fire during drought in moist tropical forests of Ghana . Forest Ecology and Management 440: 148-168.
Kaskie, K. D., M. C. Wimberly, and P. J. Bauman. 2019. Rapid assessment of juniper distribution in prairie landscapes of the northern Great Plains . International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation 83: 101946.
Tang, Z., Y. Zhang, N. Cong, M. C. Wimberly, L. Wang, K. Huang, J. Li, J. Zu, Y. Zhu, and N. Chen. 2019. Spatial pattern of pika holes and their effects on vegetation coverage on the Tibetan Plateau: An analysis using unmanned aerial vehicle imagery . Ecological Indicators 107: 105551.
Hess, A., J. K. Davis, and M. C. Wimberly. 2018. Identifying environmental risk factors and mapping the distribution of West Nile virus in an endemic region of North America . GeoHealth 2: 395-409.
Davis, J. K., G. P. Vincent, M. B. Hildreth, L. Kightlinger, C. Carlson, and M. C. Wimberly. 2018. Improving the prediction of arbovirus outbreaks: a comparison of climate-driven models for West Nile virus in an endemic region of the United States . Acta Tropica 185: 242-250.
Lin, Y., M. C. Wimberly, P. Da Rosa, J. Hoover, and W. F. Athas. 2018. Geographic access to radiation therapy facilities and disparities of early-stage breast cancer treatment . Geospatial Health 13:622.
Vincent, G. P., J. K. Davis, M. C. Wimberly, C. D. Carlson, and M. B. Hildreth. 2018. Permethrin susceptibility for the vector Culex tarsalis and a nuisance mosquito Aedes vexans in an area endemic for West Nile virus . BioMed Research International, Article ID 2014746.
Wimberly, M. C., D. M. Narem, P. J. Bauman, B. T. Carlson, and M. A. Ahlering. 2018. Grassland connectivity in fragmented agricultural landscapes of the north-central United States . Biological Conservation 217: 121-130.
Davis, J. K., G. P. Vincent, M. B. Hildreth, L. Kightlinger, C. Carlson, and M. C. Wimberly. 2017. Integrating environmental monitoring and mosquito surveillance to predict vector-borne disease: Prospective forecasts of a West Nile virus outbreak . PLoS Currents Outbreaks. 2017 May 23. Edition 1. doi: 10.1371/currents.outbreaks.90e80717c4e67e1a830f17feeaaf85de.
Dwomoh, F. K., and M. C. Wimberly. 2017. Fire regimes and forest resilience: alternative vegetation states in the West African tropics . Landscape Ecology 32: 1849-1865.
Dwomoh, F. K., and M. C. Wimberly. 2017. Fire regimes and their drivers in the Upper Guinean Region of West Africa . Remote Sensing 9: 1117.
Lin, Y., and M. C. Wimberly. 2017. Geographic variations of colorectal and breast cancer late-stage diagnosis and the effects of neighborhood-level factors . Journal of Rural Health 33: 146-157.
Liu, Z., M. C. Wimberly, F. K Dwomoh. 2017. Vegetation dynamics in the Upper Guinean Forest region of West Africa from 2001 to 2015 . Remote Sensing. 9(1): 5.
Merkord, C. L., Y. Liu, A. Mihretie, T. Gebrehiwot, W. Awoke, E. Bayabil, G. M. Henebry, G. T. Kassa, M. Lake, and M. C. Wimberly. 2017. Integrating malaria surveillance with climate data for outbreak detection and forecasting: the EPIDEMIA system . Malaria Journal 16:89.
Vogelmann, J. E., P. V. Khoa, D. X. Lan, J. Shermeyer, H. Shi, M. C. Wimberly, H. T. Duong, and L. V. Huong, L.V., 2017. Assessment of forest degradation in Vietnam using Landsat time series data . Forests, 8(7), 238.
Wang, T. M. Luri, L. Janssen, D. A. Hennessy, H. Feng, M. C. Wimberly, and G. Arora. 2017. Determinants of motives for land use decisions at the margins of the Corn Belt . Ecological Economics: 134: 227-237.
Wimberly, M. C., L. L. Janssen, D. A. Hennessy, M. Luri, N. M. Chowdhury, and H. Feng. 2017. Cropland expansion and grassland loss in the eastern Dakotas: New insights from a farm-level survey . Land Use Policy 63: 160-173.
Liu, Z., M. C. Wimberly. 2016. Direct and indirect effects of climate change on projected future fire regimes in the western United States . Science of the Total Environment 542: 65-75.
Sohl, T. L., M. C. Wimberly, V. C. Radeloff, D. M. Theobald, B. M. Sleeter. 2016. Divergent projections of future land use in the United States arising from different models and scenarios . Ecological Modelling 337: 281–297
Wimberly, M. C., T. Gebrehiwot, M. Bishaw, W. Yalew, and A. Mihretie. 2016. EPIDEMIA: Integrating climate information and disease surveillance for malaria epidemic forecasting in Ethiopia. Pages 110-113 In: J. Shumake-Guillemot and L. Fernandez-Montoya, editors. Climate Services for Health: Improving Public Health Decision-Making in a New Climate . World Health Organization/World Meteorological Organization. Geneva, Switzerland.
Alemu, H. T., A. T. Kaptue, B. G. Senay, M. C. Wimberly, and G. M. Henebry. 2015. Evapotranspiration in the Nile Basin: Identifying dynamics and drivers, (2002-2011) . Water 7: 4914-4931.
Liu, Y., J. Hu, I. Snell-Feikema, M. S. VanBemmel, A. Lamsal, M. C. Wimberly. 2015. Software to facilitate remote sensing data access for disease early warning systems . Environmental Modelling and Software 74: 238-246.
Liu, Z., M. C. Wimberly. 2015. Climatic and landscape influences on fire regimes from 1984 to 2010 in the western United States . PLoS One 10(10): e0140839.
Liu, Z., M. C. Wimberly, A. Lamsal, T. L. Sohl, T. J. Hawbaker. 2015. Climate change and wildfire risk in an expanding wildland-urban interface: a case study from the Colorado Front Range Corridor . Landscape Ecology 30: 1943-1957.
Michimi, A., and M. C. Wimberly. 2015. Food environment and adult obesity in US metropolitan areas . Geospatial Health 10: 368.
Midekisa A., B. Beyene, A. Mihretie, E. Bayabil, M. C. Wimberly. 2015. Seasonal associations of climatic drivers and malaria in the highlands of Ethiopia . Parasites & Vectors 8: 339.
Reis, S. E., Seto , A. Northcross, N.W.T. Quinn, M. Convertino, R. L. Jones, H. R. Maier, U. Schlink, S. Steinle, M. Vieno, M. C. Wimberly. 2015. Integrating modelling and smart sensors for environmental and human health . Environmental Modelling and Software 74: 238-246.
Wimberly, M. C. T. L. Sohl, Z. Liu, and A. Lamsal. 2015. Simulating forest landscapes as coupled human and natural systems . Pages 233-216 In: A. Perera, B. Sturtevant, and L. Buse, editors. Modeling Forest Landscape Disturbances. Springer, New York.
Zhang, T., Y. Zhang, M. Xu, J. Zhu, M. C. Wimberly, G. Yu, S. Niu, X. Zhang, J. Wang. 2015. Light-intensity grazing improves alpine meadow productivity and adaption to climate change on the Tibetan Plateau . Scientific Reports 5: 15949.
Mehls, C. L., K. C. Jensen, M. A. Rumble, and M. C. Wimberly. 2014. Multi-scale habitat use of male ruffed grouse in the Black Hills National forest . The Prairie Naturalist 46: 21-33.
Midekisa, A., G. B. Senay, and M. C. Wimberly. 2014. Multi-sensor Earth Observations to Characterize Wetlands and Malaria Epidemiology in Ethiopia . Water Resources Research 50: 8791-8806.
Wimberly, M. C., A. Lamsal, P. Giacomo, and T. Chuang. 2014. Regional variation of climatic influences on West Nile virus outbreaks in the United States . American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene 91: 677-684.
Wimberly, M. C., and Z. Liu. 2014. Interactions of climate, fire, and management in future forests of the Pacific Northwest . Forest Ecology and Management 327: 270-279.
Wimberly, M. C., and A. Midekisa. 2014. Hydro-epidemiology of the Nile Basin: Understanding the complex linkages between water and infectious diseases . Pages 219-236 In: A. M. Melesse, W. Abtew, and S. G. Setegn, editors. Nile River Basin: Ecohydrological Challenges, Climate Change and Hydropolitics. Springer, New York.
Zhang, Y., G. Yu, J. Yang, M. C. Wimberly, X. Zhang, J. Tao, Y. Jiang, and J. Zhu. 2014. Climate-driven global changes in carbon use efficiency . Global Ecology and Biogeography 23: 144-155.
Broich, M., M. C. Hansen, P. V. Potapov, and M. C. Wimberly 2013. Patterns of tree cover loss along the Indonesia-Malaysia border on Borneo . International Journal of Remote Sensing. 34: 5748-5760.
Chintala, R., M. C. Wimberly, G. D. Djira, and M. G. Tulbure. 2013. Interannual variability of crop residue potential in the north-central region of the United States . Biomass and Bioenergy 49: 231-238.
Narayanaraj, G., and M. C. Wimberly. 2013. Influences of forest roads and their edge effects on the spatial pattern of burn severity . International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation 23: 62-70.
Stanturf, J. A., and M. C. Wimberly. 2013. Demographic trends in the Eastern US and the wildland-urban interface: Implications for fire management . Pages 19-40 In: J. J. Qu, W. Sommers, A. Biebau, R. Yang, and M. Kafaros, editors. Remote Sensing and Modeling Applications to Wildland Fires. Springer, New York.
Wimberly, M. C., P. Giacomo, L. Kightlinger, and M. B. Hildreth. 2013. Spatio-temporal epidemiology of human West Nile virus disease in South Dakota . International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 10: 5584-5602.
Wright, C. K., and M. C. Wimberly. 2013. Recent land use change in the western Corn Belt threatens grasslands and wetlands . Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 110: 4134-4139.
Chuang, T., C. W. Hockett, L. Kightlinger, and M. C. Wimberly. 2012. Landscape-level spatial patterns of West Nile virus risk in the northern Great Plains . American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene 86: 724-731.
Chuang, T., G. M Henebry, J. S. Kimball, D.L. VanRoekel-Patton, M. B. Hildreth, and M. C. Wimberly. 2012. Satellite microwave remote sensing for environment modeling of mosquito population dynamics . Remote Sensing of Environment 125: 147-156.
Chuang T., and M. C. Wimberly. 2012. Remote Sensing of Climatic Anomalies and West Nile Virus Incidence in the Northern Great Plains of the United States . PLoS One 7:e46882.
Cochrane, M. A., C. J. Moran, M. C. Wimberly, A. D. Baer, M. A. Finney, K. L. Beckendorf, J. Eidenshink, and Z. Zhu. 2012. Estimation of wildfire size and risk changes due to fuels treatment . International Journal of Wildland Fire 21: 357-367.
Klaver, R. W., D. Backlund, P. E. Bartelt, M. G. Erickson, C. J. Knowles, P. R. Knowles, and M. C. Wimberly. 2012. Spatial analysis of northern goshawk territories in the Black Hills, South Dakota . The Condor 114: 532-543.
Michimi, A., and M. C. Wimberly. 2012. Natural environments, obesity, and physical activity in nonmetropolitan areas of the United States . Journal of Rural Health 28: 398-407.
Midekisa, A., G. Senay, G. M. Henebry, P. Semuniguse, and M. C. Wimberly. 2012. Remote sensing-based time series models for malaria early warning in the highlands of Ethiopia . Malaria Journal 11: 165.
Narayanaraj, G., and M. C. Wimberly. 2012. Influences of forest roads on the spatial patterns of human-and lightning-caused wildfire ignitions . Applied Geography 32: 878-888.
Spindler, B. D., S. R. Chipps, R. A. Klumb, B. D. S. Graeb, and M. C. Wimberly. 2012. Habitat and prey availability attributes associated with juvenile and early adult pallid sturgeon occurrence in the Missouri River . Endangered Species Research 16: 225-234.
Tulbure, M., M. C. Wimberly, A. Boe, and V. N. Owens. 2012. Climatic and genetic controls of yields of switchgrass, a model bioenergy species . Agriculture, Ecosystems, and Environment 146: 121-129.
Tulbure, M. G., M. C. Wimberly and V. N. Owens. 2012. Response of switchgrass yield to future climate change . Environmental Research Letters 7: 045903.
Wimberly, M. C., S. P. Boyte, and E. J. Gustafson. 2012. Understanding landscapes through spatial modeling . Pages 111-128 In: J. A. Stanturf, P. Madsen, and D. Lamb (Editors), Forest Landscape Restoration: Integrating Natural and Social Sciences. Springer, New York.
Wimberly, M. C., A. Midekisa, P. Semuniguse, H. Teka, G. M. Henebry, T. Chuang, and G. B. Senay. 2012. Spatial synchrony of malaria outbreaks in a highland region of Ethiopia . Tropical Medicine & International Health 17: 1192-1201.
Chuang, T. M. B. Hildreth, M. B., D. L. VanRoekel, and M. C. Wimberly. 2011. Weather and land cover influences on mosquito populations in Sioux Falls , South Dakota. Journal of Medical Entomology 48: 669-679.
Narayanaraj, G., and M. C. Wimberly. 2011. Influences of forest roads on the spatial pattern of wildfire boundaries . International Journal of Wildland Fire 20: 792-803.
Tulbure, M., M. C. Wimberly, D. P. Roy, and G. M Henebry. 2011. Spatial and temporal distribution of fires in the central United States from three years of MODIS active fire detection data . Landscape Ecology 26: 211-224.
Wimberly, M. C., E. Lindquist and C. L. Wey. 2011. Analysis of the 2002 Equine West Nile Virus Outbreak in South Dakota Using GIS and Spatial Statistics . Pages 191-206 In S. Clay (Editor), GIS Applications in Agriculture: Invasive Species. CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL.
Michimi, A., and M. C. Wimberly. 2010. Associations of supermarket accessibility with obesity and fruit and vegetable consumption in the conterminous United States . International Journal of Health Geographics 9:49.
Michimi, A., and M. C. Wimberly. 2010. Spatial patterns of obesity and associated risk factors in the conterminous U.S. American Journal of Preventive Medicine 39: e1-12.
Pijanowski, B., L. R. Iverson, A. Drew, H. Bulley, J. M Rhemtulla, M. C. Wimberly, A. Bartsch, and J. Peng. 2010. Addressing the interplay of poverty and landscapes: a grand challenge for landscape ecologists . Landscape Ecology 25: 5-16.
Kennedy, R. S. H., and M. C. Wimberly. 2009. Historical fire and vegetation dynamics in dry forests of the interior Pacific Northwest, USA and relationships to Northern Spotted Owl (Strix occidentalis caurina) habitat conservation . Forest Ecology and Management 258: 554-566.
Pierce, K. B., J. L. Ohmann, M. C. Wimberly, M. J. Gregory, and J. S. Fried. 2009. Imputation mapping of wildland fuels and forest structure for management and simulation modeling . Canadian Journal of Forest Research 39: 1901-1916.
Spindler, B. D., S. R. Chipps, R. A. Klumb, and M. C. Wimberly. 2009. Spatial analysis of pallid sturgeon Scaphirhynchus albus distribution in the Missouri River, South Dakota . Journal of Applied Icthyology 25: 8-13.
Wey, C. L., J. Griesse, L. Kightlinger, and M. C. Wimberly. 2009. Geographic variability in geocoding success for West Nile virus cases in South Dakota, USA . Health & Place 15: 1108-1114.
Wimberly, M. C., M. A. Cochrane, A. D. Baer, and K. Pabst. 2009. Assessing fuel treatment effectiveness using satellite imagery and spatial statistics . Ecological Applications 19: 1377-1384.
Wimberly, M. C., M. B. Hildreth, S. P. Boyte, E. Lindquist, and L. Kightlinger. 2008. Ecological niche of the 2003 West Nile virus epidemic in the northern Great Plains of the United States . PLoS One 3: e3744.
Wimberly, M. C., A. B. Baer, and M. J. Yabsley. 2008. Enhanced spatial models for predicting the geographic distributions of tick-borne pathogens . International Journal of Health Geographics 7:15.
Wimberly, M. C., and R. S. H. Kennedy. 2008. Spatially explicit modeling of mixed-severity fire regimes and landscape dynamics in the interior Pacific Northwest . Forest Ecology and Management 254: 511-523.
Wimberly, M. C., M. J. Yabsley, A. B. Baer, V. G. Dugan, and W. R. Davidson. 2008. Spatial heterogeneity of climate and land cover constraints on distributions of tick-borne pathogens . Global Ecology and Biogeography 17: 189-202.
Manangan, J. S., S. H. Schweitzer, N. Nibbelink, M. J. Yabsley, S. E. J. Gibbs, and M. C. Wimberly. 2007. Habitat factors influencing distributions of Anaplasma phagocytophilum and Ehrlichia chaffeensis in the Mississippi Alluvial Valley . Vector-Borne and Zoonotic Diseases 7: 563-574.
Nonaka, E., T. A. Spies, M. C. Wimberly, and J. L. Ohmann. 2007. Historical range of variability (HRV) in live and dead wood biomass: a regional-scale simulation study . Canadian Journal of Forest Research 37: 2349-2364.
Wimberly, M. C., and M. J. Reilly. 2007. Assessment of fire severity and species diversity in the southern Appalachians using Landsat TM and ETM+ imagery . Remote Sensing of Environment: 189-197.
Zhang, Y., and M. C. Wimberly. 2007. The importance of scale in using hierarchical census data to identify the wildland-urban interface . Southern Journal of Applied Forestry 31: 138-147.
Gibbs, S. E. J., M. C. Wimberly, M. Madden, J. Masour, M. J. Yabsley, and D. E. Stallknecht. 2006. Factors affecting the geographic distribution of West Nile virus in Georgia, USA. 2002-2004 . Vector-Borne and Zoonotic Diseases 6: 73-82.
Reilly, M. J., M. C. Wimberly, and C. L. Newell. 2006. Wildfire effects on beta diversity and species turnover in a forested landscape . Journal of Vegetation Science 17: 447-454.
Reilly, M. J., M. C. Wimberly, and C. L. Newell. 2006. Wildfire effects on plant species richness at multiple spatial scales in forest communities of the southern Appalachians . Journal of Ecology 94: 118-130.
Wimberly, M. C. 2006. Species dynamics in disturbed landscapes: when does a shifting habitat mosaic enhance connectivity? Landscape Ecology 21: 35-46.
Wimberly, M. C., Y. Zhang, and J. A. Stanturf. 2006. Digital forestry in the wildland-urban interface . Pages 201 222 In: Shao, G. and K. M. Reynolds, editors. Computer Applications in Sustainable Forest Management: Including Perspectives on Collaboration and Integration. Springer, New York.
Yabsley, M. J., M. C. Wimberly, D. E. Stallknecht, S. E. Little, and W. R. Davidson. 2005. Spatial analysis of the distribution of Ehrlichia chaffeensis, causative agent of human monocytotropic ehrlichiosis, across a multi-state region . American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene 72: 840-850.
Zhao, G., G. Shao, K. M Reynolds, M. C. Wimberly, T. Warner, J. W. Moser, K. Rennolls, S. Magnussen, M. Kohl, H. Anderson, G. A. Mendoza, L. Dai, A. Huth, L. Zhang, J. Brey, Y. Sun, R. Ye, B. A. Martin, and F. Li. 2005. Digital forestry: A white paper . Journal of Forestry 103(1): 47-50.
Wimberly, M. C. 2004. Fire and forest landscapes in the Georgia Piedmont: An assessment of spatial modeling assumptions . Ecological Modelling 180: 41-56.
Wimberly, M. C., and J. L. Ohmann. 2004. A multi-scale assessment of human and environmental constraints on forest land cover change on the Oregon (USA) Coast Range . Landscape Ecology 19: 631-646.
Wimberly, M. C., T. A. Spies, and E. Nonaka, 2004. Using criteria based on the natural fire regimes to evaluate forest management in the Oregon Coast Range . Page 146-157 In: Perera, A. H., L. J. Buse, and M. G. Weber, editors. Emulating Natural Forest Landscape Disturbances: Concepts and Applications. Columbia University Press, New York.
Wimberly, M. C. 2002. Spatial simulation of historical landscape patterns in coastal forests of the Pacific Northwest . Canadian Journal of Forest Research 32: 1316-1328.
Wimberly, M. C., and T. A. Spies. 2002. Landscape- vs. gap-scale controls on the abundance of a fire-sensitive, late-successional tree species . Ecosystems 5: 232-243.
Wimberly, M. C., and T. A. Spies. 2001. Modeling landscape patterns of understory tree regeneration in the Pacific Northwest, USA . Applied Vegetation Science 4: 277-286.
Wimberly, M. C., and T. A. Spies. 2001. Influences of environment and disturbance on forest patterns in coastal Oregon watersheds . Ecology 82: 1443-1459.
Wimberly, M. C., T. A. Spies, C. J. Long, and C. Whitlock. 2000. Simulating Historical Variability in the Amount of Old Forests in the Oregon Coast Range . Conservation Biology 14: 167-180.
Wimberly, M. C., and B. B. Bare. 1996. Distance-dependent and distance-independent models of Douglas-fir and western hemlock basal area growth following silvicultural treatment . Forest Ecology and Management 89: 1-11.